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Hundreds of scams every day

There is no surprise that criminals break into other people’s accounts and steal the funds deposited there. Cyber security experts, as well as bankers, have long been alarmed about the problem. The scale of the practice is nevertheless shocking. Only in the first quarter, the National Bank of Poland recorded 60 thousand unauthorized payment transactions, and this number is expected to grow. Therefore, it is necessary not only to caution electronic banking users but to educate them periodically.

During the recently concluded Economic Forum in Karpacz, one of the panels was devoted to this topic. At that time, the Financial Ombudsman pointed out that the scale of unauthorized payment transactions is growing exponentially. 


The National Bank of Poland recorded 60,000 such operations in the first quarter alone, i.e., for only three months, which means that there may be as many as a quarter of a million operations annually. Filary Biznesu website pointed out that meant about seven hundred every day


“In the first half of the year, we received about 700 complaints, and by the end of the year, we expect about 1.5 thousand such complaints. Last year there were 1.2 thousand,” stressed the Financial Ombudsman.


However, it is worth knowing that there is a steady increase in security awareness among average e-banking users, also in Poland. The results of the Appdome study, which involved more than 10,000 everyday consumers living in different parts of the world, were recently published.


“The results help dispel some myths about the safety of smartphone and tablet users. In addition, they help to draw a clear picture of consumers’ expectations and awareness of cybersecurity,” explains Mariusz Politowicz, from Marken, a solutions’ distributor of Bitdefender in Poland.

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