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    Polish National Parks – Narew National Park

    The Narew Valley within the Narew National Park is one of the better-preserved wetlands. The extensive water channel networks and wetlands make the area poorly penetrated by humans. Due to its specific topography, the Park is a typical migration route of large mammals. However, its greatest wealth is birds, primarily wetland species.

    The Narew National Park is located in Podlaskie Voivodeship and was created in 1996. The Park covers the Upper Narew Valley and around 90% of its area are swamps or waters.


    In the area of the Narew Valley in 2003-2015, 213 bird species were found, of which 160 are breeding species, which is almost half of the Polish avifauna.


    There are also 36 species of mammals belonging to the following groups: insectivores, lagomorphs, rodents, carnivores, cloven-hoofed, and bats.


    Amphibia are a very important component of the Narew Valley food chain, functioning as both predator and prey. 


    In the waters of the Narew River within the boundaries of the Narew National Park, there are 27 species of fish and one jawless fish – the Ukrainian lamprey Eudontomyzon mariae.


    Additional information about the attractions in the Park and nearby:

    – hiking trails (total approx. 52 km),

    – Museum of Palace Interiors in Choroszcz,

    – Great Synagogue – Branch of Podlaskie Museum in Bialystok,

    – Narew Gallery in Uhowo,

    – manor house in Kurów,

    – natural exposition presenting natural and cultural values of the Narew valley in Kurów,

    – temporary art and photography exhibitions in Kurów.

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