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The EU and the migration crisis. Legutko: EU has not done much

– The EU has not done much, and it is immediately praised, pointing out that nothing can happen without it. It is also often an opportunity for EU institutions to expand their competencies – this is how Law and Justice MEP, Prof. Ryszard Legutko, describes the EU’s activity on the migrant crisis.

Ryszard Legutko said that it was good that Poland was taking diplomatic action in the EU to deal with the migrant crisis.


“Especially when it comes to interstate relations because that’s where we should look for support. The Baltic States received the Polish Prime Minister’s visit very well. We will see what the visits to Western Europe bring,” he said in an interview with the Polish Press Agency.


“President Macron, as well as the German Chancellor, tried to play a role in the crisis, which did not necessarily please many people in our part of Europe. It was done over the heads of the most concerned countries. It is often argued that Alexander Lukashenko is a Belarusian politician who was on the margins, who seemed to be finished, and then suddenly, thanks to the leaders of Germany and France, he became one of the key players in Europe. This, however, was not a good move. This is the typical attitude of many of our Western European partners, who do not consider Central and Eastern Europe,” he pointed out.


The head of the ECR delegation said he had “mixed feelings” about the European Commission’s involvement in resolving the border conflict.


“EC Deputy Commissioner Margaritis Schinas, during a speech in the EP, stressed the same thing as the (Polish) prime minister, that this is not a migration crisis comparable to the one in 2015. This is a hybrid war, an attack on EU countries. That was a good statement. On the other hand, it was clear that he immediately – as is typical for politicians in Brussels – praised the EU. The EU has not done much, and it is immediately praised, pointing out that nothing can happen without it. It is also often an opportunity for the EU institutions to extend their competencies,” he said.


According to the MEP, “if Poland and the Baltic states had waited for the EU to act, they would have been full of people brought to Belarus by aeroplanes long ago”.

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