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    A clear declaration of the Weimar Triangle. “Russia's military aggression will have massive consequences”

    Any further military aggression by Russia against Ukraine will have real consequences and will have serious costs, the leaders of Poland, France and Germany warned in a declaration issued after a meeting in Berlin in the Weimar Triangle format. At the same time, they called on Russia to “deescalate the situation on the border with Ukraine and engage in a constructive dialogue on security on the European continent.”

    The talks in the German capital, attended by the presidents of Poland and France, Andrzej Duda and Emmanuel Macron, and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, were devoted to security in the Central and Eastern European region in the face of the threat of a Russian invasion on Ukraine.


    The leaders expressed “grave concern about the buildup of Russian forces in and around Ukraine; reiterated their support for Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty and commended Ukraine’s attitude, characterized by continued restraint and diplomatic approach.”


    At the same time, they called on Russia to “deescalate the situation on the border with Ukraine and engage in a constructive dialogue on security on the European continent.”


    “France, Poland and Germany are willing to engage constructively in meaningful and goal-oriented discussions on security issues of common interest. These countries will continue to work closely together with their EU partners and NATO allies to ensure peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area,” they emphasized.


    The leaders of the Weimar Triangle countries agreed that the (North Atlantic) Alliance must constantly review its deterrence and defence posture and should be ready to adapt, if necessary, to further deterioration of the security situation, including within the framework of NATO’s reinforced forward presence (on the eastern flank).


    “The members of the “Weimar Triangle” will remain engaged with all concerned parties to uphold the security and stability in the region and the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine,” it was assessed 


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