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    Is Germany on Russia side? Melnyk: “I don’t understand how you could be so insensitive and stubborn.”

    After the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Ukrainian Ambassador Andrij Melnyk accused the German government of “indifference.” “Any request to help us now is rejected. I don’t understand how you could be so insensitive and stubborn,” the Ukrainian diplomat told ZDF on Thursday evening.

    Melnyk said he was “received by several ministers” in Berlin on Thursday, the day the Russian invasion began and asked for their help, weapons and fuel for the army. “The answer was: according to our assessment, you Ukrainians still have a few hours. Now it doesn’t make sense to help you.”


    “This policy, this inertia, puts us in the role of a sheep being led to the slaughter,” said Melnyk.


    Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck said in Berlin on Thursday: “We will not supply Ukraine with weapons.”


    Are Schroeder and Putin still friends? 


    Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, who is a friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has written a short commentary on the current situation in Ukraine. He avoided words like “attack” or “invasion”, reported the portal of the daily newspaper “Die Welt.”


    The former chancellor is now a Gazprom gas lobbyist.


    In recent years, much has been said about mistakes and omissions in relations between the West and Russia. “There were mistakes on both sides”, but he said that “even Russia’s security interests do not justify the use of military means.”


    Schroeder is a friend of President Putin. He was recently nominated to the Board of Directors of Gazprom. Schröder has been a member of Rosneft’s Supervisory Board for years, “Die Welt” reminds. 


    Another example of Germany’s insensitive and stubborn



    Russia should not be cut off from the global banking system SWIFT. It should not be part of the second EU sanctions package against the Kremlin – Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz said in Brussels ahead of the meeting of EU leaders.


    How can Ukraine be helped? Tomasz Sakiewicz, editor-in-chief of “Gazeta Polska” and “Gazeta Polska Codziennie”, told TVP Info yesterday (Feb 24) that “Russia should be blocked financially.”


    “It’s about turning the money on Russia (…) NATO must impose a financial freeze on all possible institutions, among others, turn off the SWIFT banking system. The world’s financial system is so big that if everyone takes a step, Russia will be blown up financially. Not in a day, but in a year, it’s gonna have a lot of trouble if it runs out of reserves,” Sakiewicz pointed out.


    Meanwhile, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz does not want to cut Russia off from the global banking system SWIFT.


    “We must agree on these measures that have been prepared – and set aside everything else in case we need to go further,” Scholz told journalists on the question of whether Russia should be cut off from SWIFT.


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