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The assessment of the Russian war against Ukraine

The Russian attacks on Ukraine continue, focusing on the eastern part of the country. Further information shows that Ukraine is trying to offer effective resistance and even counter-offensive in various places.

“On Thursday, May 12, 2022, the Russian troops crossed the Donets, a large meandering river that constitutes an important line of defence for the Ukrainian forces. At the same time, the Russians have been carrying out an offensive in the directions of Severdonetsk, Popasna, Avdiivka and Marinka,” Stanisław Żaryn, Spokesman for Poland’s Minister-Special Services Coordinator, informs. 


The invaders aim to destroy the Ukrainian armed forces and conquer Donetsk and Lugansk Oblasts within their borders. “Another priority of the Russian army is to gain full control of Mariupol where the Azovstal steel plant remains Ukraine’s last stronghold in the ravaged city,” Żaryn writes. 


In retaliation for the successful actions of the Ukrainian soldiers, Russian troops have hit the Ukrainian port city of Odessa. Moreover, given the importance of Snake Island, the Russians are trying to maintain control of the place by rebuilding and reinforcing their troops on the island.


“The Ukrainian forces put up a successful resistance by launching a counter-offensive on the outskirts of Kharkiv. At present, the priority goal of the Ukrainians is to force the Russians behind a perimeter where the city is out of reach of the Russian artillery. the counter-attack is also designed to engage the invaders in a battle so as to slow down their advance in the Donbas. The Ukrainians keep control of the locations of strategic importance, which enables them to successfully destabilize the actions of the Russian troops and neutralize their attacks,” Spokesman for Poland’s Minister-Special Services Coordinator pinpoints. 


What’s important, according to Żaryn, the war is not going as the Kremlin wanted. The Ukrainians maintain capabilities to defend their country or even to launch counter-attacks whose goal is to smoke the Russians out of the areas of Ukraine they have captured.


The whole Spokesman for Poland’s Minister-Special Services Coordinator’s statement is available here

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