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The murder of 11-year-old Sebastian from Katowice. Numerous charges have been brought against Tomasz M

The District Attorney’s Office in Sosnowiec has sent an indictment to the court against Tomasz M., who will be held accountable for, among others, abusing and killing 11-year-old Sebastian from Katowice. This notorious crime, which shocked public opinion across the country, took place in May last year.

Tomasz M. will be held accountable for seven crimes. He has been charged not only with the murder of Sebastian but also, even before that crime, he had sexually abused two other children. 


The case will be heard by the District Court in Sosnowiec.


Everything indicates that due to the nature of the case, the trial will be held on camera. This will be decided by the court.


In May, the attorney’s office received an expert opinion after several weeks of psychiatric observation of Tomasz M. The specialists stated that the man was sane at the time of the murder of Sebastian and other crimes he was accused of, so he can stand a trial. He is facing a life sentence. He has been in custody since his arrest.


In May, it was a year since the shocking crime


Sebastian went missing on 22 May 2021. – He went out to a playground in Dabrowka Mala in Katowice, he was supposed to return home at 7 p.m., but he sent his mum a text message asking for permission to extend the game by half an hour. His mum agreed, but Sebastian did not come home and did not contact his relatives again. The boy’s mum then informed the police.


The perpetrator was identified the next day, based on an analysis of CCTV footage, which showed a Ford near the playground. A few dozen minutes after identifying the vehicle’s registration number, police officers found the owner. He turned out to be a 41-year-old resident of Sosnowiec. The man was detained and in a conversation with investigators, he admitted to abducting and then murdering an 11-year-old boy.


Police officers soon found the child’s body – it was hidden at a construction site in the Sosnowiec district of Niwka – a few kilometres from Dabrowka Mala, where the boy lived. The perpetrator had driven him to neighbouring Sosnowiec by car. The man indicated the place where the corpse was hidden right after he was detained. Sebastian, after being abducted, was probably kept in several different places. In one of them, he was murdered and then taken to a construction site, where – according to media reports – the perpetrator intended to pour concrete over the child’s body. The District Attorney does not refer to these details.


Based on the results of the autopsy and additional examinations, it was established that the cause of Sebastian’s death was suffocation. The sexual background of the crime was taken into account in the investigation from the beginning. The attorney does not wish to comment on this either.


Several years ago, he kidnapped another child


According to unofficial information, the 41-year-old is an optician from Sosnowiec, divorced, with two children. He was already known to the police. In 2008, Tomasz M. kidnapped another child in Siemianowice Slaskie, ordered him to undress and take photos, and then released him. He appeared before the local court on charges of abduction, possession and distribution of pornographic content with the participation of a minor, as well as receiving stolen computer programs. He did not question his guilt and voluntarily submitted to the penalty. 


In April 2009, the court handed him down a sentence without a hearing – two years in prison, suspended for a five-year probation period. According to police sources, in addition to that case, in connection with the bullying of his wife since 2018. Tomasz M. had a restraining order against his family.



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