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Professional horse races will be arranged at Krakow's Błonia

Professional horse races will be arranged at Krakow’s Błonia
Next year, horse races will take place at Błonia in Krakow. The letter of intent in this matter was signed on Friday by the Mayor of Krakow Jacek Majchrowski and the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, who admitted that this initiative is important for the development of horse breeding in Poland.

 Horse races have taken place in Krakow Błonia for several years, but as President Majchrowski said, they are organized on unprofessional terms. Now they are to be more professional. Minister Ardanowski, in turn, admitted that this initiative is important not only for Krakow, but for the development of horse breeding in Poland. – The Polish state is responsible for the preservation of genetic resources of different breeds, and to grow of horse breeding , races are needed. They are part of valuing and comparing horses, but also well understood gambling – the minister emphasized. According to preliminary plans, next year three events would take place in Błonia. The first is planned for June as part of the Krakow Days. Another in July and August. As minister Ardanowski assured, the role of Krakow will be reduced to providing access to the area and assistance in publicizing this event. The city budget will not be charged of other costs, as they are related to the broader horse breeding development program in Poland.

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