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    Helping the church in the east

    Yesterday, the Catholic Church celebrates the Immaculate Conception of Holy Mary. Because of the second Sunday of Advent, the Polish Church for the 20th time celebrates the Day of Prayer and Material Assistance to the Church in the East. The main purpose of the celebration is to support the Church in the countries of Eastern Europe, Russia and Central Asia, which once belonged to the Soviet Union.

     ”This Church has its structures, but it still needs our help and support – financial and spiritual. We have to remember that Poles or people who have Polish roots are the majority among the faithful of the Church in the East. They don’t live outside Poland because they chose to. They were persecuted, they were poor, but they didn’t disclaim their faith and nationality. We owe to them the memory, care, help and gratitude for not letting our faith and our nationality die. We have to pray for them and help them. I would like to thank everyone for their help and support. God bless everyone who joined the ‘Help to the Church in the East’ action. Also, I want to ensure you about my prayers”- says Archibishop Stanisław Gądecki, President of the Episcopal Conference of Poland.


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