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Protests in Kiev

The protests in Kyiv against President Volodymir Zelensky are continuing. Protesters are worried that during their meeting in France President Zelensky will make concessions to Russia’s President Putin at the expense of Ukraine’s independence.

 ”I’m not happy with Zelensky’s actions on the international arena. I don’t know why and what for he went to France. If he makes an agreement which means a capitulation, I’ll stay here and I’ll still be protesting. I support Ukraine’s victory but I don’t support mottos like ‘we are brothers’ or ‘we want peace”- says Ukrainian citizen.

“For international meetings like this, we have to go there to defend Ukraine and not sell it out. All these people who came here to support the President so that he have enough strength to defend our homeland. And not capitulate”- says Kiev resident.

 ”Firstly, President Zelensky will meet the President of France, Emmanuel Macron one to one. After the meeting, he will meet with Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel. Then, the consultations in the Normandy Format with the 4 prime ministers will take place. The last point of the meeting will be a meeting with the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin”- says Kyrylo Tymoshenko, Ukrainian Head of the Presidential Office.


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