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Warsaw names path by Russian Embassy to commemorate victims of war in Ukraine

Warsaw city council has passed a resolution to name a pedestrian pathway that runs by the Russian Embassy ‘The Avenue of Victims of Russian Aggression’.

Fifty-five councillors voted to rename the alley while two abstained.


Filip Frąckowiak, a Law and Justice party councillor, said the name reflected the council’s need to condemn Russia’s actions.


“We must do everything possible so that Russia’s blatant disregard of the rules of international coexistence does not continue,” he said. “One such action is naming the Avenue of Victims of Russian Aggression near the Embassy of the Russian Federation.”


“Vilnius and Prague have already undertaken similar initiatives.”


The naming was also backed by the opposition.


One of the objectives of the initiative, according to its authors, is “to provoke the Russian state to reflect and to act.”


“In addition, the choice of the name comes not only from the group of councillors but also from residents,” they added.

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