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    Majority of Poles support laws aimed at disciplining judges

    The recently passed bill which plans to introduce disciplinary measures against judges will limit their independence, still it has slightly more supporters than opponents, shows a survey by IBRiS pollster .

    The bill was approved by the Sejm (lower house) on December 20 and sent to the Senate. The upper chamber, which has 30 days to consider the bill, will discuss it at its meeting on January 15-17, 2020. Respondents were asked whether parliament should adopt legislation that will introduce disciplinary proceedings against judges, 22.1 percent of respondents answered yes, 19.7 percent – rather yes, 19.7 percent – hard to say, 8.3 percent – rather not, and 30.2 percent answered no. The survey for the Dziennik Gazeta Prawna daily and private radio broadcaster RMF FM was published on Monday. IBRIS carried out the survey on December 19-20, on a sample of 1,100 adult Poles using the computer-assisted telephone interviewing technique.


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