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Poland commemorates the transformation of the Union of Armed Struggle into the Home Army

78 years ago today, during the Second World War, the Union of Armed Struggle was transformed into the Home Army, thus creating the largest underground army in German-occupied Europe. Today, the memory of the Home Army’s achievements is a core element of Polish patriotism.

The head of the office for war veterans and victims of oppression, Jan Józef Kasprzyk, said the following at the official state celebrations:

“<<I swear to be faithful to my homeland, the Republic of Poland.>> This was the beginning of the oath of the soldiers of the Home Army. Those, as the Colonel said, who have been part of the Polish armed forces, fighting on all fronts in World War II for freedom and independence, from February 14. <> For this loyalty, the loyalty to the homeland, the soldiers of the Home Army had to pay the highest price”. 

Very moving were also the words spoken by Lieut. Col. Tadeusz Filipowski from the World Association of Home Army Soldiers: 

 “At the moment, there are only a handful of us left. Our ranks are decreasing. We are slowly moving into history, but the memory remains, and must remain, for the next generations. I am glad that this memory is being cultivated at the moment, that we do not forget about it. Let us remember that today is not the anniversary of the creation of the Home Army, but the anniversary of its transformation from a union into an army, a part of the Polish army, subordinate to the legal government of Poland. Honour the memory of the fallen and honour the memory of its members.” 

Dear Lieut. Colonel, we will never forget. 

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