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Cycling around Dąbie lake

Western Pomerania has been enriched by another cycle path; at a cost of nearly 11 million PLN, with EU support of 7.4 million PLN, a route from Szczecin to Lubczyna and on to Inoujście was created.
This is one of the most attractive cycling investments in the region.

The path is 22.6 km long and 2.5 wide. It leads along the dykes and along the Chełszcząca River, through green areas, with views of the huge reservoir, flocks of cormorants, Skeleton Bay and the famous Concrete Ship – a wreck of a reinforced concrete ship bombed in 1945. The trail from Dąbie to Lubczyna is part of a three-kilometre loop around the Szczecin Lagoon, and will also be used by those travelling from the sea to Szczecin and to the south of the voivodeship via the Blue Velo route.

The implementation of this investment was a major challenge, due to difficult ground conditions and the subsidence of the dyke. The Marshal’s Office also had to come to an agreement with the State Water Management Company Wody Polskie, as the lender of the dike’s crown. The work took 22 months. The investment included, among other things, drainage, demolition, earthworks, reinforcement, roadworks and assembly works.

A bicycle counter was installed on the section between Dąbie and Załom, according to which 9,000 cyclists have already cycled along this route since April. The sections running along the shore of Lake Dąbie are part of the popular route around the Szczecin Lagoon and the Blue Velo, from the sea to southern Poland.

The investment was carried out as part of the Regional Operational Programme of the Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship 2014-2020. Part of the investment was co-financed by the municipalities of Szczecin and Goleniów, through which the route runs. The total amount of the project was PLN 10 million 991 thousand, with EU funding of PLN 7 million 406 thousand.

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