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    Prime Minister in front of ‘Wujek’ Coal Mine: That blood paved the way to freedom

    All, who are children of that courage, we thank and bow down to them, because that blood paved the way to solidarity, freedom, to independent Rzeczypospolita – said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki while standing in front of the monument of fallen miners from ‘Wujek’ Coal Mine, in 39th anniversary of pacification of this coal mine.

    Prime Minister was at the monument of killed miners from ‘Wujek’ coal mine. Morawiecki said that ‘there are bills of wrongs in our country, the foreign hand would not cross it’. 


    ‘Thinking about how wound the Jaruzelski’s junta gave us in December 1981’ – said Prime Minister. He also added that the fight with that ‘inhuman authority’ had not been fair, but it gave breeze of freedom. ‘That blood, which has been spilt, was not in vain’ – he ensured. 


    ‘From this place, from the ‘Wujek’ coal mine, we have to say it loud that those victims scream for reparation, justice. They scream to Polish courts, to Polish judges for justice’ – he said. 


    Mateusz Morawicki also thanked everybody who took part in the celebrations, especially people who took part in those events in 1981 and their families. 


    ‘All, who are children of that courage, we thank and bow down to them, because that blood paved the way to solidarity, freedom, to independent Rzeczypospolita’ – emphasised Prime Minister. 


    The Pacification of ‘Wujek’ was a strike-breaking action at the ‘Wujek’ Coal Mine in Katowice. Police and army brutally killed nine striking miners on December 16th, 1981. The Pacification of ‘Wujek’ Coal Mine was a part of a large-scale action aimed at breaking the ‘Solidarity’ after the introduction of martial law in 1981. 

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