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    All Aboard for the 28th Steam Locomotive Parade in Wolsztyn

    On May 4th, the quaint town of Wolsztyn in the Greater Poland Voivodeship will once again echo with the nostalgic chug of steam engines as it hosts the 28th Steam Locomotive Parade. After a hiatus, this beloved event returns to its traditional May slot, promising a spectacle for railway enthusiasts worldwide.

    A Multinational Affair: Steam Giants from Near and Far

    Locomotives from Poland, Germany, Luxembourg, and the Czech Republic will grace the event, showcasing a diverse array of steam power. Waldemar Ligma, Director of the Wolsztyn Locomotive Shed, hinted at surprises, with the possibility of resurrecting the TKi3-87 locomotive.

    Despite challenges posed by the pandemic and railway renovations, last year marked the Parade’s resurgence after years of dormancy. This year, anticipation mounts as visitors eagerly await the grand procession on May 4th, followed by the mesmerizing “Light-Steam-Sound” spectacle in the evening.

    Revitalizing Tourism: Wolsztyn’s Steam Legacy

    The Parade not only ignites nostalgia but also kick-starts the tourist season, with Wolsztyn’s Locomotive Shed offering refurbished guest rooms for those eager to immerse themselves in steam history. As the world’s last operational steam locomotive shed for scheduled passenger services on standard gauge tracks, Wolsztyn stands as a cultural gem of the Greater Poland Voivodeship.

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