Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State Assets Jacek Sasin said during a joint press conference with Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of...
On May 9th the exhibition “Trails of Hope. The Odyssey to Freedom” was opened in Saba Cultural and Artistic Institute and to Saadi Historical Mansion in Iran. The exhibition tells the story of the soldiers in the Anders’ Army, who were evacuated from the USSR to Iran in 1942 to fight in the Italian Campaign during World War II.
"Prof Waldemar Paruch has passed away,” the Minister of Education and Science Przemysław Czarnek informed on Twitter. “We bid farewell to a great Pole, political scientist and politician, who has made outstanding contributions to Poland. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord,” he wrote.
Poland is striving for changes in national legislation in Europe regarding the seizure of Russian assets as a sanction against Moscow and to aid Ukraine's post-war recovery, the government's spokesperson said on Monday.
A Ukrainian deputy prime minister has said that Ukraine needs urgently to solve the current fuel crisis, and that, owing to their location, the Polish ports of Gdansk and Swinoujsce could help Ukraine import hydrocarbons.
European Union member states are likely to overcome their differences on a new round of sanctions on Russia, a Polish deputy foreign minister has said.
The Russian ambassador to Poland, Sergey Andreyev, was doused with red paint at the Soviet Military Mausoleumin in Warsaw,” Łukasz Bok informed on his Twitter account.
A group of scientists from the Medical University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk University of Technology and the University of Gdańsk have patented a new method of creating and delivering proteins to the body. This new technology will help patients who suffer from difficult-to-heal wounds.
Billboards showing scenes from the Russia-Ukrainian war will appear at Warsaw's Soviet Military Mausoleum on May 9, celebrated by Russia as the day of the Red Army's victory over Nazi Germany.
Impact’22 in Poznań is a two-day meeting characterised as the most prestigious economic and technological event in Central and Eastern Europe. Top managers from the largest global companies, policymakers, regulators, eminent scientists, as well as world-class experts and speakers attend it to share knowledge and experiences with the public.
Little Amal is a 3.5-meter-tall puppet that symbolizes hope for better tomorrow for children who were orphaned during wars. It marches through numerous countries, spreading awareness about the refugee crisis. In May, it will visit three Polish cities: Krakow, Lublin and Przemysl.
The Polish foreign minister has expressed hope that Vienna talks on the nuclear deal will end successfully as this will make it possible for Poland and Iran to start broad economic cooperation.
Librarian and Library Day is a symbol of the work of librarians, presenting the professional achievements of the librarian community, as well as a reflection on the identity of libraries and their role in building cultural heritage.
Stanisław Franciszek Sosabowski CBE was an independence activist and the Polish general in World War II. He fought in the Polish Campaign of 1939 and at the Battle of Arnhem (Netherlands) in 1944 as commander of the Polish 1st Independent Parachute Brigade, the first unit of this type in the history of the Polish army.
“Belarusian propaganda used E. Czeczko - even after his death - to carry out disinformation and provocative actions against Poland,“ Stanisław Żaryn, Spokesperson of the Minister-Special Services Coordinator, pointed out.