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“Be careful” Kurdish blogger warns migrants [VIDEO]

I warn migrants - be careful - Halgord Omar, a Kurdish blogger who managed to get to Germany during the migrant crisis, wrote on Facebook. He also attaches a video from a surveillance camera on the Belarusian-Lithuanian border, showing a wolf pack.

Another incident at the border [VIDEO]

“The scheme of operation is similar to the previous attempts to illegally cross the Polish-Belarusian border,” reported the Polish Ministry of National Defence on Twitter.

Wojciech Fortuna advises Polish ski jumpers to give up the Four Hills Tournament

Kamil Stoch did not qualify for Tuesday's competition of the Four Hills Tournament in Innsbruck. Five Polish jumpers made it to the Bergisel qualification, but the best one - Andrzej Stękała - was only 18th. Gold medalist of the Olympic Games in Sapporo - Wojciech Fortuna advises the white-red team to give up the Four Hills Tournament and to work on its shape.

“Lukashenko has failed”. General Skrzypczak evaluates: All thanks to Polish services

Polish services resolutely defended the border, and Lukashenko's strategy was ruined - assessed Lieutenant General Waldemar Skrzypczak. In his opinion, the Belarusian dictator will stop harassing Polish services only when Putin forbids him to do so.

Scientists are getting ready to work on the world's first Odotheka

Scientists from Krakow and Ljubljana, in cooperation with museum professionals, are preparing to work on Odotheka, the world's first library of scents of cultural property. It should be ready by the end of 2024.

The year 2022 and its historical anniversaries

Round anniversaries of the birth of Józef Mackiewicz, Bruno Schulz, the hundredth anniversary of the election of the first presidents of the Republic of Poland, ninety years after the breaking of the Enigma, two hundredth anniversary of the publication of the first collection of poetry by Adam Mickiewicz. We will celebrate these and many more anniversaries in 2022.

It has been an extremely difficult year for the Border Guard. “We handled it”

"Border Guard officers were the heroes of 2021," reported Anna Michalska, a spokeswoman for the service. The data shows it. The guards have had to deal with a huge migration crisis. Attempts to illegally cross the border have also occurred in recent days.

Polish National Parks – Wigry National Park

Wigry National Park is distinguished by an extraordinary wealth of lakes surrounded by vast forests. Apart from the largest and famous for its picturesqueness Wigry Lake, there are 41 more natural water reservoirs in the Park.

Winemakers and cider makers will pay lower excise duty

The President signed an amendment to the Excise Duty Act, which will support small, regional alcoholic beverage producers. Thanks to the new solutions, small independent producers of alcoholic beverages will pay half of the excise duty on their products.

Phishing is getting more and more dangerous

A fake payment form on classifieds websites, an email urging us to accept changes to a site's policy or links directing us to a supposed "Facebook" login - these are the most common methods used by fraudsters to swindle our sensitive data. As police remind us, "phishing" has become an increasingly popular theft method since 2015. "In the case of phishing campaigns, the best line of defence is always caution," uniformed officers remind.

Polish ski jumpers still out of shape

Piotr Żyła finished 11th in the New Year's competition in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, the second stage of the 4-Hills-Tournament. Japanese Ryoyu Kobayashi won the competition and became the World Cup leader.

Poland takes over OSCE Chair

On January 1, 2022, Poland has started its one-year Chairmanship at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau will serve as OSCE Chairperson in Office for one year.

Four Hills Tournament today

All members of the Polish team - Piotr Żyła, Kamil Stoch, Dawid Kubacki, Pawel Wasek, Andrzej Stękala and Jakub Wolny - advanced to the New Year's competition in Garmisch-Partenkirchen of the Four-Hills-Tournament. The qualification was won by German Markus Eisenbichler, Żyła was fifth.

“We are victims of war”, “we want to live”. Such slogans in the hands of… children [VIDEO]

Migrants residing near the Polish-Belarusian border once again appeared in a propaganda film using the youngest. "The slogans held by children indicate that foreigners and Belarusian services monitor the public debate in Poland on an ongoing basis," Stanislaw Żaryn conveyed. As the Spokesperson of the Minister-Special Services Coordinator added, the action aims to put additional pressure on the decision on the migration route.

Polish blind writer on Spotify

Podcast fans can now listen to the book “Ich Trzecie Oko” (Their Third Eye) by prominent blind writer Marek Kalbarczyk. The book published on Spotify is read by Jerzy Zelnik. Thus, the author became the first blind Pole whose works are available on this popular portal.

Fast but chaotic – ESPON report describes Poland’s urbanisation process

On average, the area of more than 250 football pitches is built up every day in Europe, and Poland remains at the forefront of countries undergoing the most rapid urbanization. However, it is worrying that the country lacks a long-term plan for developing Polish cities that would take into account the quality of life of residents of the new housing estates and the current demographic trends, as shown by the international ESPON SUPER study prepared with the participation of academics from the University of Warsaw.

Prime Minister on Norwid's work: He teaches something absolutely unique

He teaches something absolutely unique, something that is still essential today, said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki about the works of Cyprian Kamil Norwid. On Wednesday, the head of government participated in the gala summarizing the competitions concerning the life and work of the artist Cyprian Kamil Norwid. He announced that "Norwid teaches us that man is not a lonely island".

The Czartoryski collection was purchased

We bought the Czartoryski collection for millions of Poles who, moreover, very often in the last five years, meeting me somewhere there, said: thank you for the collection, said Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Culture and National Heritage Piotr Gliński on Wednesday.

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