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    Piotr Duda: The action of large media corporations is a festival of hypocrisy and duplicity!

    ‘The jostling of big corporations is purely a game of bigger profits, which are not necessarily interrelated with better wages for workers. This has nothing to do with defending the freedom of speech’ - this is what Piotr Duda, the Chairman of the National Commission of NSZZ ‘Solidarity’, wrote about the protest of some media against the introduction of a fee for Internet and conventional advertising.

    A breakthrough discovery of Polish scientists. Their device detects coronavirus from the breath

    ‘ML System company has created a device that detects coronavirus from breath in less than 10 seconds. The discovery of this device is today the great pride of the entire Republic of Poland,’ said President Andrzej Duda yesterday (11 Feb 2021) in Zaczernie. ‘A revolution in the fight against coronavirus is taking place in front of our eyes. We believe that our device for the detection of coronavirus from the breath will have mass application and will allow defeating quickly the epidemic’ - said the President of the company ML System Dawid Cycoń.

    Sakiewicz on the ‘Media without choice’ campaign: sheer hypocrisy and action against freedom of speech

    - As of today, I recognize this action as directed against free speech. The evidence for this is the fact that their allies are trying to block the sale of our newspapers for the fact that we did not participate in the action, about which we knew nothing - says Tomasz Sakiewicz, editor-in-chief of ‘Gazeta Polska’ and ‘Gazeta Polska Daily’, to the

    The ‘Orlen w Ruchu’ project is being developed. In 2021, PKN Orlen will open its first 40 sales points

    In 2021, PKN Orlen and Ruch will open the first 40 retail outlets under the ‘Orlen w Ruchu’ brand, Daniel Obajtek, President of the PKN ORLEN Management Board said. As he reminded, the company plans to invest PLN 11 billion in retail until 2030.

    Tomasz Sakiewicz about the Visegrad Group: We can give dynamism to the European Union

    Without the Visegrad Group, the European Union would be a weakening organisation - believes Tomasz Sakiewicz, editor-in-chief of ‘Gazeta Polska’ and ‘Gazeta Polska Daily’. While commenting on the summit of the V4, Sakiewicz stressed that together with partners from other countries ‘we can give dynamism to the European Union’.

    President Duda accepted the Chinese invitation. ‘Nothing important can happen without Poland's participation’

    President Andrzej Duda, who will attend the online Central and Eastern Europe-China summit on Tuesday, will stress that Poland counts on opening the Chinese market to Polish exports, including agricultural products – said Presidential Minister Krzysztof Szczerski.

    The German press took an interest in Albicla's portal. They quote statements by Tomasz Sakiewicz

    The German daily ‘Die Welt’ devoted an extensive article to the Albicla portal today. Despite adding his comments, the German daily also quoted the statement of ‘Gazeta Polska’ Editor-in-chief Tomasz Sakiewicz.

    A winning comeback of Iga Świątek! Polish tennis player wins against Kaja Juvan in Melbourne

    Iga Swiatek won her first match this year. The Polish tennis player defeated Kaja Juvan after a three-set duel in the 1/16 final of the tournament in Melbourne. In the next round, the preparing for the start of the Grand Slam Australian Open, Iga will play with Ekaterina Alexandrova.

    The situation in Poland is stabilizing. When will students return to schools? The Minister replies

    The epidemic situation in the country appears to be stabilized. However, according to the Minister of Health, large increases in the incidence of the disease have been recorded in Western Europe. So, when will senior students be able to go back to school? ‘The possible return to school of children from grades IV-VIII and high schools is possible not earlier than in March,’ Adam Niedzielski reported today.

    Libicki: People diagnosed with a disability before birth have the right to be born

    If professors Andrzej Rzepliński and Andrzej Zoll, who are opponents of the present Constitutional Tribunal, say that the verdict of the Constitutional Tribunal in the case of the abortion is legal, I accept it; I have always said that people who are diagnosed with a disability before birth have the right to be born - says Jan Filip Libicki, Senator of Polish People’s Party.

    This death cannot be forgotten. The story of Pole RS teaches us a lesson for the future

    The Canadian website detailed the case of Slawomir R., who died in the UK after being disconnected (after a court decision) from water and food. The author of the text Dorothy Cummings McLean pays special attention to the Catholic faith of the deceased Pole.

    When will students from grades IV-VIII return to school? ‘The most important thing is the life and health of the people’

    When will students of IV-VIII grades be able to return to school? ‘The most important thing is the life and health of people. The Prime Minister will communicate this decision in the upcoming days,’ said the Minister of Education and Science Przemysław Czarnek.

    Half a century ago the reconstruction of the Royal Castle began. Prime Minister: A symbol for which Poles have been waiting

    The hope for the reconstruction of the Royal Castle in Warsaw and the reconstruction of Poland after the devastation of World War II has never been extinguished in Polish hearts - stressed the Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki during the celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of the commencement of work on the reconstruction of the royal residence. The Deputy Prime Minister Piotr Gliński, who was present at the event, pointed out that the Polish nation ‘had been waiting for its reconstruction ever since the Castle was destroyed, and wanted it’.

    The fight for the life of a Polish man in a coma continues. His health is deteriorating dramatically

    Deputy Minister of Justice Marcin Warchoł was a guest on the morning program ‘W Punkt’ on TV Republika. He talked about how the Polish government is trying to save Mr Slawomir, a Polish man in a coma who was disconnected from life support equipment in a British hospital. There is an ongoing battle against time to get him to the country. His condition is deteriorating dramatically.

    The Deputy Minister of Health assures: all willing senior citizens will be vaccinated!

    - I hope that the COVID-19 vaccination for senior citizens will start on Monday without any obstacles - said Deputy Minister of Health Waldemar Kraska. He also assured that all willing senior citizens would be vaccinated.

    Volunteers online are ready to help. Maląg: A new service has been launched

    The Solidarity Senior Citizens’ Support Corps will operate for as long as it is needed. Certainly, by the end of March, we will have accomplished this task - emphasised the Minister of Family and Social Policy, Marlena Maląg. Besides, to facilitate the registration process, a new service has been made available - a temporary trusted profile for senior citizens over 80 years old. ‘Online volunteers are ready to help. Thanks to the helpline, senior citizens will also find out where to apply for transport to the vaccination centre,’ said Minister Maląg.

    Medics are going to Slovakia. Prime Minister: ‘Solidarity is Poland's export brand’

    Relations between states cannot be based solely on calculations. Relations between countries also mean mutual assistance, given at a time when others need it most. Today Polish medics are moving to Slovakia - said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. ‘Solidarity is Poland's export brand,’ he stressed.

    Polish diplomacy is fighting for his life. A helicopter is already waiting for the Pole in a coma

    We are taking all non-standard measures to help our citizen in the UK, said government spokesman Piotr Müller on Friday. At the same time, he pointed out that in some aspects diplomacy prefers silence. It's about a man in a coma. A helicopter is already waiting for the Pole to return to the country.

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