The extraordinary craftsmanship presented by the artists of the Mazowsze Ensemble, at the absolutely highest, professional, world level delights, said President Andrzej Duda on Thursday during the opening of the "Karolin" Polish Folklore Center in Otrębusy.
Hybrid working model is fast becoming a reality. In many cases, however, implementing this model will not be easy and will cause considerable confusion. According to Cisco specialists, the key role will be played not only by team leaders and work culture but also by the appropriate digital infrastructure.
Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo signed annexes to agreements with the US companies Venture Global Calcasieu Pass and Venture Global Plaquemines concerning the purchase of additional 2 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas per year for 20 years. As a result, the total volume of LNG that PGNiG will receive from Venture Global LNG will increase to 5.5 million tonnes a year.
Krakow is the second-largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. It is situated on the Vistula River in Malopolska Region (or sometimes called the Lesser Poland Province). Krakow was the official capital city of Poland until 1596 and was the second capital city in Poland’s history.
The milestones that led to the creation of "Solidarity" were the efforts of generations of workers, intellectuals, students and farmers, said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki on Tuesday during the ceremonial meeting of the Gdańsk NSZZ "S" (Trade Union Solidarity) Board on the 41st anniversary of signing the August Agreements. The head of government argued that "we must try to communicate above divisions".
Wieluń is one of the places-symbols of the aggression of the Third Reich against Poland in 1939, recalled the presidential minister Wojciech Kolarski. This year it was in Wieluń in the Łódź voivodeship where Polish President Andrzej Duda commemorated the outbreak of World War II.
The defense of Westerplatte has become a symbol of bravery, courage, and love for the Motherland. It is the realization of the dream of freedom. Staying at the post, serving Poland. Until the end, even with your life. It is our common tragic history of the war, but it is also a lesson for us, here and now, for the future, said Elżbieta Witek, Speaker of the Sejm, during the 82nd anniversary of the outbreak of World War II.
Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo and ERU Management Services have signed an agreement for the purchase by the Polish company of a controlling interest in the Ukrainian company Karpatgazvydobuvannya, which is the sole holder of the Byblivska license located in western Ukraine near the Polish border.
On 1-3 September in Krynica-Zdrój the CYBERSEC CEE Region&Cities conference will be held, devoted to cooperation in the sphere of cyber security, technology development, and the development of effective tools to combat cybercrime. Approximately 60 speeches, panels, and discussions will take place during these days.
PKN ORLEN was the first fuel company in this part of Europe to declare the achievement of total carbon neutrality by 2050. As Grzegorz Jóźwiak, Director of Alternative fuels at PKN ORLEN, argued during the Forum Wizja Rozwoju, hydrogen is to constitute an optimal bridge in achieving zero emissions. Hence the company's numerous investments in the acquisition and utilization of this raw material.
The human immune system is a complex machinery, whose efficient functioning depends on many different factors, including proper nutrition. So, what should be on our plates? The list of immune-supporting products is very long. Vegetables and fruits, including, among others, berries, have an important place on it.
Solidarity has become not only a symbol but also a determinant of Polish politics, said President Andrzej Duda in a speech published on Tuesday on the Belsat television website and addressed to Belarusians on the anniversary of signing the August Agreements.
The series is designed to look at various shades of Norwid's theater and drama, said Theater Institute’s Deputy IT Director Jarosław Cymerman about the series of performative readings "Re-reading Norwid. Dramas" at the Theater Institute in Warsaw. First reading - on Tuesday.
On Wednesday, on the 82nd anniversary of the outbreak of World War II, the house where Jews were hidden during the German occupation will be opened to visitors in Markowa (Podkarpackie voivodeship). The Wednesday’s ceremony will be attended by, among others, the Vice-President of the Institute of National Remembrance Dr. Mateusz Szpytma.
Holidays are slowly coming to an end. For the students of the Academy of Patriotism, the "Summer School" was one of their last events. Its classes were held in Krakow on August 20-22. During “Summer School” there were lectures, classes, and discussions, the leitmotifs of which were the media and the activities of non-governmental organizations.