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    “Gazeta Polska” Clubs will visit Hungary again. They celebrate the anniversary of the anti-communist revolution

    Members of "Gazeta Polska's" Clubs are going to Budapest for the tenth time today to commemorate the Hungarian Uprising. This time, however, their departure will also have a symbolic meaning.

    Bruce (Xiaoyu) Liu from Canada is the winner of the Chopin Competition

    Bruce (Xiaoyu) Liu from Canada took first place in the 18th International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition, the director of the Fryderyk Chopin Institute, Artur Szklener, announced on the night from Wednesday to Thursday.

    There are charges for cutting down the cross. The 31-year-old faces 5 years in prison

    Charges of insulting religious feelings and destroying property as a result of a hooligan act were heard today in the prosecutor's office by a 31-year-old man suspected of devastating a wooden roadside cross in Zielona Góra, according to Marcin Maludy, a spokesman for the Lubuskie police.

    Europarliament prepares a lawsuit against the European Commission on the rule of law mechanism

    European Parliament Chief David Sassoli asked the parliament's legal service on Wednesday to prepare a lawsuit against the European Commission for failing to apply the conditionality regulation.

    Budimex to build another “Dom z Serca”

    Budimex will once again join forces with other construction companies for a noble cause. As part of the "Dom z Serca 2" (House from Heart – editor’s note) campaign, a house for a family of eight from Brusy, Pomorskie Voivodeship, will be built on a turn-key basis. This is already the second house to be built for a large family living in difficult economic conditions financed by Budimex and its partners.

    KOMTECH conference: innovations in energy storage and power supply for mining machines

    Hybrid and gravity renewable energy centers, energy storage in compressed gases in idle mines, and innovative technologies for batteries and charging systems for mining vehicles - these are some of the most interesting projects presented during the annual scientific and technical conference KOMTECH in Szczyrk (11-13 October 2021).

    Statement by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki in the European Parliament

    Today, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki took part in the European Parliament debate initiated after the Polish Constitutional Court ruling on the supremacy of the Constitution over EU law. During his speech, the head of the Polish government spoke about social inequalities, inflation, which hit all European citizens, as well as external threats, growing public debt or illegal immigration, and the energy crisis increasing the challenges of climate policy, which transfer into social unrest. The entire speech can be found below

    For the first time in history, an ORLEN Team driver became the Rally Champion of Poland! Miko Marczyk broke another record

    Mikołaj Marczyk and Szymon Gospodarczyk won the Koszyce Rally in impressive style and sealed their second career Polish Rally Championship title! Never before in the history of the ORLEN Team had a driver who, in the colors of the national company, reached for the most valuable rally trophy in Poland.

    10th European Forum for New Ideas (EFNI)

    Rebuilding Europe after a pandemic crisis, the European Green Deal, cooperation in the Weimar Triangle, and the development of digitalisation are among the main themes of the 10th European Year of Citizens. European Forum for New Ideas.

    The online meeting “European Cancer Plan. To what extent can we beat this disease together?”

    Online meeting (18th October 2021) with oncologist Prof. Jacek Jassem from the Medical University of Gdansk and geneticist Dr. Jaroslaw Waligóra from the EC Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety, heading the team for health in the Multiannual Financial Framework. The discussion will focus on the objectives and the feasibility of the European Commission's initiative on cancer and how it can benefit the citizens of the European Union: patients, medical professionals, and researchers. Registered journalists will be able to ask questions using the Q&A module. Questions can also be sent now to:

    Jeremy Clarkson is considering moving… to Poland? “It's a place where we would be happy”

    British motoring journalist and the face of many TV shows, Jeremy Clarkson on The Times mentioned about moving... to Poland. The information can be taken not entirely seriously, but the arguments he used are quite interesting.

    Genetic research sheds light on pre-Inca Tiwanaku civilization

    One of the most powerful pre-Inca civilizations in South America - Tiwanaku - was much more genetically homogeneous than previously thought, according to genetic research conducted by a team of Polish scientists.

    Online conference to mark the European Day against Trafficking in Human Beings and Slavery

    The crime of trafficking in human beings is a modern form of slavery that constitutes one of the most serious crimes and undermines human freedom and dignity. Combating this is a challenge for the entire European Union.

    A macabre discovery. There was a woman's bloody body in the car

    The bloodied corpse of a 32-year-old woman in a car was found on Friday night in one of the villages of Trzebieszów commune. Police are not commenting on the shocking discovery for the sake of the investigation - only that the deceased was confirmed to be a resident of the community.

    The situation at the border is becoming increasingly tense. Migrants push through fence with metal clubs [VIDEO]

    Every day we receive signals confirming how tense the situation is on the Polish-Belarusian border. In recent weeks, we have already seen Belarusian services instructing refugees where to cross the border or ordering children to pose for propaganda photos. The clearest evidence that Alyaksandr Lukashenko is waging a hybrid war against our country was the shots fired by Belarusian forces at Polish officers. Now, a video has leaked onto the internet showing migrants trying to force their way across the Polish-Belarusian border using metal clubs. We show it below.

    Verdict in a high-profile paedophile case. “Teenage stalker” will be in jail

    The District Court in Wejherowo sentenced Krystian W. alias Krystek for the so-called electronic sexual corruption of a minor to 2.5 years in prison. The case is related to the suicide death of 14-year-old Anaid in March 2015.

    One in six people worldwide have difficulty reading because of Irlen syndrome

    JOSEPH, Oregon State, Oct. 14, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Millions of children and adults around the world struggle with Irlen syndrome - the brain's inability to process certain frequencies of light waves or colours. The condition falls on a spectrum from mild to severe with symptoms that can include difficulty with reading and math, sensitivity to light, headaches, abdominal pain, dizziness, inability to focus, clumsiness, and poor sports performance. Although the condition is genetic in about half of sufferers, it can also be caused by brain trauma, high fever, or viral infections.

    Press conference on the occasion of World Fruit and Vegetable Day

    On the 14th of October, the Core Team, a forum for cooperation between fruit and vegetable producers and processors, was established. More than a dozen industry organisations, representatives of consultancy and science, are working together on a proposal to channel the sector's resources and desired changes in its environment. KZGPOiW (The National Association of Producer Groups for Fruit and Vegetables - editor's note) invites presentations on the challenges and projects it considers to be priorities.

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    Critical Situation at Międzygórze Dam: Evacuations Underway in “Polish Switzerland”

    A critical situation has unfolded at the Międzygórze reservoir...

    Revisiting the Targosz Murder Case: A Judicial Maze and the Quest for Psychological Clarity

    The murder of Jan Targosz, a respected professor at...

    German Techno Festival Impacts Protected Nature Reserve in Swinoujscie

    A German techno festival has sparked outrage in Karsibor...

    Racibórz Dolny Reservoir Begins Water Retention to Counteract Flooding

    On Sunday morning, the Racibórz Dolny reservoir on the...

    Macabre accident on A14 motorway in Germany. Porsche driver was decapitated [SENSITIVE CONTENT]

    There was an accident on the A14 motorway in Germany at night from Thursday to Friday that resulted in the driver of a sports Porsche being decapitated. Polish drivers were involved in an attempt to stop the damaged vehicle.

    BMW Driver Rams Two Police Cars and Escapes

    A driver of a BMW rammed two police cars...

    Breakthrough in the Case of Polish Man’s Murder in Sweden: Murder Weapon Found

    Swedish prosecutors announced on Wednesday that the weapon used...