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Estonia’s Alignment with Poland on EU Treaty Amendments Echoes Concerns

In a recent exchange between Estonia and Poland, Foreign Minister Szymon Szynkowski vel Sek conveyed a shared apprehension regarding proposed alterations to the EU treaties. Following discussions in Tallinn with his Estonian counterpart, Margus Tsahkna, Szynkowski vel Sek disclosed, “Our Estonian partners wholeheartedly echo our concerns regarding the European Parliament’s radical proposal to amend the treaties, potentially reallocating member state competencies to the EU sphere.”

This alignment of concerns between the two nations underscores a growing unease within certain EU member states. The European Parliament’s adoption of a resolution endorsing the suggested treaty changes has set the stage for a critical European Council session on December 12, where a report by the European Commission will be deliberated.

Szynkowski vel Sek emphasized Estonia’s firm opposition to initiating discussions on treaty amendments within the EU framework. He highlighted divergent perspectives, noting that Estonia perceives present-day challenges—such as security and border protection matters—in a fundamentally different light compared to those advocating treaty modifications.

At the core of this debate lies the European Parliament’s endorsement on November 22 of an amendment affecting the unanimity requirement in European Council voting across 65 specific domains. This amendment also encompasses the potential transfer of certain authorities from individual member states to the broader EU level.

The unified stance between Estonia and Poland underscores a broader sentiment of concern among certain member states regarding the potential implications and alterations that these treaty amendments might introduce within the EU’s operational framework. As discussions unfold, the collective stance and concerns expressed by these nations may significantly shape the trajectory of EU deliberations on treaty modifications in the upcoming session.


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