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    Tremor in Mysłowice-Wesoła Coal Mine

    A tremor struck the Mysłowice-Wesoła coal mine overnight on Monday, leading to a death of two miners, as reported by a spokesperson for the Polish Mining Group (PGG).

    Search Underway:
    According to PGG spokesperson Aleksandra Wysocka-Siembiga, the tremor occurred around 3:30 a.m. At the time of the incident, 15 individuals were in the affected area. While 11 have been safely evacuated, four miners were unaccounted for.

    Ongoing Rescue Efforts:
    Rescue operations are currently underway at the mine in Mysłowice. The situation remains tense as efforts continue to locate and ensure the safety of the missing miners. The leading miner collapsed on the floor at this intersection and lost consciousness.

    First aid was provided by a paramedic, followed by a team of rescuers and an arriving doctor. At 10:35 p.m., the doctor pronounced the miner deceased. The remaining 9 injured individuals were transported to hospitals in Sosnowiec, Tychy, Katowice, and Mysłowice. Two bodies of the miners were found but one person is still missing. The rescue operation is ongoing.

    Recent Fatalities in Polish Coal Mines:
    The incident in Mysłowice-Wesoła marks the third fatal accident in Polish coal mines in 2024, following incidents in KWK Bobrek and KWK Borynia-Zofiówka-Bzie. These events underscore the ongoing challenges and risks faced by miners in the coal industry.

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