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Fresh CBOS Survey: Support for Poland’s Ruling Party Surges by 8 Percentage Points

In a recent survey conducted by CBOS, intriguing shifts in voter intentions for the upcoming general elections have emerged. The results reveal a notable rise in support for the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party, which now garners the backing of 37 percent of the polled individuals. This surge marks an impressive 8-percentage point increase compared to the previous poll.

Conversely, the centrist Civic Coalition, the primary opposition faction, has experienced a setback. The survey shows a decline of 7 percentage points (pps) in their support, with 21 percent of respondents indicating their intention to vote for this group.

The far-right Confederation party also witnessed a dip in its anticipated voter base, dropping by 3 pps to a support level of 6 percent.

A distinctive development in this survey is the emergence of the Third Way coalition, a collaboration between Poland 2050 and the Polish People’s Party (PSL) specifically formed for the forthcoming autumn general election. This coalition has captured the attention of 5 percent of the canvassed individuals.

Moreover, the survey highlights 4 percent of respondents who plan to throw their weight behind The Left.

A notable shift can be observed in the realm of undecided voters. This survey illuminates a substantial increase from 18 percent to 24 percent, reaching the highest recorded level for this year.

Anticipation for the parliamentary elections scheduled on October 15 remains substantial, with a significant 80 percent of voters expressing their intention to participate.

The comprehensive survey, conducted from August 14 to 27, encompassed a nationwide representative sample of 1,024 Polish citizens.


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