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How is the Investigation into Kinga Gajewska Progressing? Lawyer Raises an Alarming Scenario: “I Hope I’m Wrong”

Attorney Bartosz Lewandowski has expressed concern over how the investigation into Kinga Gajewska’s asset declaration is being handled. In his view, it may ultimately be dismissed.

The investigation into irregularities in Kinga Gajewska’s (Civic Platform) asset declaration is ongoing, and no formal charges have been filed. It’s possible that a few more individuals, in addition to Gajewska, will be questioned. However, it is known that Gajewska herself was interviewed at the very start of the investigation—a move that raises questions among legal experts, including Bartosz Lewandowski.

“The questioning of MP Kinga Gajewska at the very beginning of the investigation deviates significantly from standard prosecutorial practices in such cases,” Lewandowski stated. “Typically, individuals suspected in such matters are questioned at the end of the process—either as suspects or as witnesses. Here, the proceedings began with questioning her as a witness,” he noted.

Lewandowski also ventured a prediction about how the case might conclude based on current developments.

“I’d bet dollars to donuts that we’ll soon hear that Kinga Gajewska’s version of events is confirmed. The prosecutors will take some procedural steps, and then we’ll be informed that the case is dismissed. Perhaps it’s an irregularity, but for criminal liability under Article 231 of the Penal Code (and others), there needs to be a more serious breach of duties. Moreover, there was no intent to commit a crime, just an oversight. The decision to dismiss the case won’t be subject to appeal, and the matter will end up in the archives,” Lewandowski wrote, adding, “I hope I’m wrong…”

The Case of Kinga Gajewska

The irregularities in Gajewska’s asset declaration concern a house in Błonie, which the MP received as a gift from her parents in August 2023. The issue was brought to light by Telewizja Republika, which revealed that while Gajewska declared the gift in the public benefits register, she did so 392 days after the notarial deed. According to the law, she had only 30 days to report it. As a result, she violated Article 35a of the Act on the Exercise of the Mandate of Deputies and Senators, which could lead to criminal liability.

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