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Kuźmiuk Confirms Poland Will Bear the Brunt of the Highest Number of Illegal Immigrants

In taking in illegal migrants, countries in Central and Eastern Europe have not been involved so far. Western European countries have been receiving migrants since 2015, so this chapter will mainly concern countries in Central and Eastern Europe, said Zbigniew Kuźmiuk, a PiS deputy, in an interview with TV Republika.

Today, Katarzyna Gójska discussed the migration pact with politicians on TV Republika.

“As reported by tomorrow’s ‘Gazeta Polska Codziennie,’ actions are underway to increase quotas for countries that have not participated in mandatory relocation so far, to achieve ‘equalization,'” the host explained.

Arkadiusz Sikora, a Leftist MP, stated that the number of migrants to be sent to Poland under the migration pact was not discussed in the EU Committee.

Zbigniew Kuźmiuk, a PiS deputy, claimed that the migration pact is being “fine-tuned.”

“It will mean that the European Commission has the freedom to allocate a certain quota of illegal migrants. In taking in illegal migrants, countries in Central and Eastern Europe have not been involved so far. Western European countries have been receiving migrants since 2015, so this chapter will mainly concern countries in Central and Eastern Europe. Although attempts are made to deceive the Poles that the issue of accepting war refugees from Ukraine will be taken into account, I want to dispel this issue,” the politician said.

“We will bear the brunt of the highest number of illegal immigrants with all its consequences. We will have to establish their identity, and until we do that, we will have to keep them in closed centers. Furthermore, they will be permanently ‘assigned’ to Poland. Even if they leave and move to Germany, the police will return them to us, and we will bear the costs of their stay there and any possible consequences,” he added.

The Spanish presidency of the EU Council announced on Wednesday that representatives of EU member states, the European Parliament, and the European Commission had “reached an agreement on the main political elements” of the asylum and migration pact. “The EU is fulfilling its promise to improve the asylum and migration system,” said Spanish Minister of the Interior Fernando Grande-Marlaska Gomez.


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