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Low Support for Tusk’s Presidential Bid, Poll Shows

Poll: 71.2% of Poles oppose Tusk’s presidential run in 2025, including 73% of his coalition’s supporters.

Majority Oppose Tusk’s Candidacy

A recent poll conducted by IBRiS for Radio ZET reveals that a significant majority of Polish citizens are against Donald Tusk running for president in the 2025 elections. According to the survey, 71.2% of respondents do not want Tusk, the current Prime Minister, to run for the presidency, while only 16.5% support his candidacy. A further 12.3% remain undecided on the matter.

Opposition Among His Own Supporters

The survey also showed that 73% of supporters from Tusk’s own coalition, which includes Civic Platform, Third Way, and the Left, do not see him as a suitable candidate for the presidency. In detailed responses, 51.8% said they “definitely do not” support his candidacy, and 19.4% responded with “rather not.” Only 4.5% of those surveyed said “definitely yes,” and 12% responded “rather yes.”

The poll was conducted nationwide on August 22-23, 2024, using the CATI method and included a sample size of 1,100 people.

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