Comment by the President of PGE Wojciech Dąbrowski on the settlement in favour of PGE subsequent proceedings concerning new location permits (PSZW) for offshore wind farms for areas 60.E.4. and 44.E.1. for wind farms for the areas 60.E.4. and 44.E.1.
“The Ministry of Infrastructure resolved in favour of the PGE Group further two new location proceedings for offshore wind farms. This is a total of four new areas this year. Receiving the final decisions will allow us to exceed the goal assumed in the Group’s strategy,” said Wojciech Dąbrowski, President of the Management Board of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna Energetyczna.

Additional information:
The 44.E.1 basin with an area of approximately 121 sq. km is located approx. 48 km from the Polish coast at the level of Ustka. According to estimates, 975 MW of power can be built on it. It has been applied for by PGE Baltica 9.
Basin 60.E.4 is an area of approximately 77 square kilometres, located in the vicinity of PGE’s Baltica 1 project, which is already under construction and has the potential to create a 555 MW wind farm. The area was requested by PGE Baltica 5, of which PGE SA has 66 per cent. PGE SA owns 66 per cent of the shares, with the remainder held by Enea SA.
Currently, the PGE Group is developing wind projects in the Baltic Sea with a capacity of approx. 3.4 GW. After receipt of final decisions, PGE will be able to build in all newly acquired areas and reach an additional approx. 3.7 GW, reaching a total of over 7.1 GW of capacity.