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PKN Orlen supports farmers in Poland

PKN ORLEN will buy and use cereal straw from Polish farmers to produce an ecological gasoline additive – second-generation bioethanol, i.e. from non-food products.

The capacity of the installation currently under construction in the Jedlicze plant will amount to 25,000 m3 tons of bioethanol per year.

This is the amount that will make it possible to refuel almost 13 million passenger cars with gasoline with this BIO additive.

We have built a strong concern that can invest in modern technologies and solutions, significantly strengthening the competitiveness of the Polish economy. In accordance with the updated strategy, we have the ambition to become a leader in the development of modern biofuels in Central Europe. We will achieve this goal by consistently strengthening the production assets of the ORLEN Group in southern Poland, including an investment in an installation for the production of an ecological gasoline additive, i.e. second-generation bioethanol. We will produce it from products from Polish farmers, which, in addition to providing new jobs, will be an additional impulse for the development of the entire region.

says President of the Management Board of PKN ORLEN, Daniel Obajtek.

The production complex will be the first of its kind in Poland and the second in Europe. The ORLEN Group will allocate approximately PLN 1.12 billion for the investment in a modern bio-product, and its production should start in 2025.

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