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    “Poland Cannot Afford to Miss This Opportunity”: President Duda Criticizes Tusk Government’s Inaction on CPK

    President Andrzej Duda delivered a powerful address to the Sejm today, focusing on concerns about the Tusk government’s handling of major infrastructure projects initiated under the previous administration. In his speech, Duda warned of the risks of delaying these critical investments, which are seen as pivotal to Poland’s future development.

    “Unfortunately, the lack of progress on many fronts today raises not only my concern but the concern of millions of Poles,” said President Duda. He pointed to the ongoing social campaign, Yes to CPK, as a reflection of public frustration. “It’s more than a gesture of impatience; it’s a warning signal. It’s the voice of irritation directed at those in power for wasting a historic opportunity for the rapid civilizational growth of our homeland.”

    A Call for Strategic Vision

    In his address, Duda underscored the need for Poland to pursue a far-sighted development strategy, driven by large-scale infrastructure projects. He emphasized that Poles want a government capable of delivering ambitious, modern initiatives that meet the challenges of the future. “Poles want a dynamically developing Poland,” Duda declared. “They want a government that implements ambitious, forward-looking projects, creating well-paying jobs and positioning our country to compete with the world’s leading economies.”

    He stressed that such projects require long-term planning, often extending over several decades, and called for cross-party cooperation beyond the typical parliamentary cycle. “These great undertakings, which must span many years, often decades, require an agreement that goes beyond one, two, or even three terms of parliament.”

    Concerns Over Strategic Projects

    Duda reminded lawmakers that he convened a special Cabinet Council in February to address the need for the Tusk government to continue key strategic investments launched by the United Right government. These include projects such as the Central Communication Port (CPK), a major infrastructure hub, along with related rail connections, the construction of nuclear power plants, and the expansion of ports in Gdańsk and Gdynia.

    “Poland cannot afford to squander these opportunities or delay infrastructure investments any longer. Our ability to realize our ambitions and ensure Poland becomes a modern state depends on these projects. It is these developments that will enable Poland to compete with the richest countries of the European Union,” Duda stated. He further noted that only those who boldly commit to development will succeed.

    The Central Communication Port (CPK): A Symbol of Modernization
    In his speech, Duda singled out the Central Communication Port (CPK) as a key symbol of Poland’s aspirations to modernize. He explained that CPK is not only a vital infrastructure project that will turn Poland into a crucial transportation hub in Central and Eastern Europe but also an opportunity to create thousands of jobs. “CPK is a symbol of our drive toward modernity, our ambition to not only keep up with global changes but to lead them.”

    Duda urged the government to prioritize these strategic projects, emphasizing their importance for the country’s long-term economic and social development. “The construction of CPK, the Świnoujście container port, nuclear power plants, and the expansion of our key ports must be top priorities for the government of the Republic of Poland.”

    In his closing remarks, Duda reiterated the importance of swift action to avoid missing this pivotal moment in Poland’s history. “Delaying these projects means wasting a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Poland to achieve a leap in its civilizational and economic progress.”

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