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    Poland’s Unemployment Rate Steady at 5.0% in August 2024

    Poland’s unemployment rate in August 2024 stayed at 5.0%. Key sectors show varied employment trends.

    Poland’s unemployment rate in August 2024 held steady at 5.0%, matching the rate from July, according to data from the Central Statistical Office (GUS). The number of registered unemployed individuals rose slightly, reaching 772,300, compared to 765,400 the previous month.

    Decline in Employment in Key Sectors

    The GUS report highlighted a year-on-year decline in employment in several sectors. The most significant drops were in electricity, gas, and steam supply (down 3.2%), administrative and support services (down 3.1%), and industrial processing (down 1.2%). Other sectors experiencing reductions include construction (0.8%), transportation and storage (0.5%), and mining (0.1%).

    Growing Opportunities in Hospitality and Other Sectors

    On the positive side, employment in accommodation and gastronomy saw a 4.8% increase, making it a thriving sector for job seekers. Other sectors with moderate employment growth included real estate, culture, entertainment, water supply, and vehicle repair.

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