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Poles Barred from German Camp Liberation Commemoration

German authorities have prohibited Polish representatives from commemorating the liberation anniversary of the KL Ravensbrück concentration camp. Last year’s incident involving the Soldiers of National Armed Forces Union delegation echoes this latest controversy. Karol Wołek, President of the Union of Soldiers of National Armed Forces, revealed that they were labelled an “anti-Semitic organization” by the museum management.

Polish individuals honouring WWII victims at Ravensbrück are denied entry if displaying national emblems, while other national groups are allowed. This discriminatory decision, attributed to museum management, specifically targets the Union. Despite regulations permitting veteran organizations to enter with emblems, the Union was barred.

Wołek emphasized their formal communication with museum management, presenting a list of Ravensbrück prisoners who were Union members. In response, they were labelled anti-Semitic and denied entry with their symbolism.

Wołek questioned the rationale, noting Jews fought in the National Armed Forces during WWII. Last year saw a similar scandal.

The liberation of the German concentration camp Ravensbrueck, located in the state of Brandenburg, occurred on April 30, 1945. At the time, it held approximately 2,000 prisoners. It was the largest female camp in Germany. Between 1939 and 1945, 132,000 women and children, 20,000 men, and 1,000 girls from 40 countries were imprisoned there. Polish women comprised the largest group among the female prisoners in KL Ravensbrueck. Nearly 40,000 Poles were murdered at the Ravensbrück and Sachsenhausen camps.

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