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Polish Schools Leading the Way in Energy Efficiency Innovations

Championing energy-efficient solutions, schools in Budzów and Rogów serve as inspiration for a nationwide renovation wave.

Pioneering Projects in Energy Efficiency

Polish representatives are in the final stages of negotiating the EU Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings, aiming for widespread renovations in both public and private structures. In Poland, several pioneering projects showcase energy-efficient practices, with schools and preschools leading the way in passive house solutions.

Budzów School: A Decade of Success

In 2012, the Primary School on Henryk Pobożny Street in Budzów became Poland’s first functioning passive school, accommodating students from first to sixth grade. Director Irena Pachnicz reflects on the project’s benefits, emphasizing energy efficiency and financial savings. The even temperature maintained in the school creates a comfortable environment, reducing the development of microorganisms like mold.

Rogów Preschool: Prioritizing Health

The Rogów Communal Preschool, opened in 2019, follows a similar passive house approach. Director Iwona Felczak notes the improvement in air quality, particularly beneficial for children with respiratory issues like asthma. The emphasis on ventilation, spacious classrooms, and eco-friendly heating contribute to a healthier indoor environment.

Renovation Urgency for Public Health

While these schools exemplify energy-efficient and health-friendly buildings, a significant portion of Polish structures, including schools, lacks proper insulation and energy efficiency. Only 1% of all homes in Poland are energy-efficient, and the majority of buildings constructed before 1989 lack effective thermal insulation.

Civil Society Calls for Government Action

Civil society organizations urge the government to set clear and ambitious goals for school and home renovations, prioritizing the health and well-being of Polish children. As negotiations on the EU’s crucial building directive approach, stakeholders hope for a commitment to comprehensive renovations.

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