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    Political Drama Unfolds in Polish Parliament Over Mandate Confusion

    The Sejm of the Republic of Poland recently found itself embroiled in a controversy following a Twitter post by Maciej Wąsik, a PiS member. Wąsik claimed he received a letter from Sejm Marshal Szymon Hołownia demanding his resignation from his Sejm seat within 14 days due to his election to the European Parliament. This claim reignited debates about the validity of Wąsik’s mandate, previously declared void by Hołownia despite a Supreme Court ruling.

    Sejm Press Office Responds

    In a swift response, the Sejm’s press office issued a statement denying Wąsik’s allegations. They clarified that Wąsik received a circular sent to all newly elected MEPs, outlining the need to resign from incompatible public offices. Furthermore, they emphasized that Wąsik’s Sejm mandate was invalidated by a court ruling, and thus, he did not receive a new notice of mandate expiration from Hołownia.

    Public reaction to the press office’s explanation was overwhelmingly critical, pointing out contradictions in the statement. Critics noted that the document both denied and confirmed the receipt of a letter by Wąsik. Additionally, the press office’s assertion that Wąsik’s Sejm seat could now be filled raised further questions about the handling of his mandate.

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