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President Andrzej Duda Criticizes PKW’s Actions and Discusses Legislative Matters

President Andrzej Duda, in an interview on RMF FM, expressed his concerns about the actions of the National Electoral Commission (PKW). He criticized the PKW for overstepping its role by delaying its decision on the PiS party’s election report. According to Duda, the PKW must implement the Supreme Court’s ruling without delay, highlighting its duty to remain impartial and avoid political interference.

PKW’s Missteps and the Need for Reform

Duda also proposed a legislative change in how the validity of presidential elections is determined. He suggested that randomly selected judges from the Supreme Court, rather than just the Extraordinary Control Chamber, should make decisions on election validity. Duda expressed alarm over the PKW’s inconsistent actions and its failure to abide by the law in recent cases.

The President also addressed concerns about the legal status of judges, calling for responsibility in maintaining the rule of law. He warned against undermining the stability of the judiciary, emphasizing the impact on citizens’ legal security.

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