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Rare Coin Treasure Discovered Near Pomiechówek Worth Half a Million Zloty

Seventeen rare 16th- and 17th-century coins found near Pomiechówek hold historic and monetary value of half a million zloty.

Underneath the fields of Pomiechówek, an extraordinary discovery was made by members of Triglav Historical-Research Association and the “Husaria” Polish Treasure Hunters Association. Searching for remnants of an ancient Roman route, Sławomir and Szymon Milewski unearthed 17 coins estimated to be worth half a million zloty.

A Treasure from the Thirty Years’ War

These rare coins, primarily from 16th and 17th-century Saxony, Brandenburg, and the Netherlands, hint at historical events like the 1655 Battle of Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki. Archeologist Piotr Duda speculates that a mercenary or wealthy trader might have hidden the treasure amid conflict, intending to return but never did.

Priceless Rarities

Among the coins is a rare 1630 Sigismund III Vasa thaler from Toruń. This find, already prized by collectors, will be safeguarded by the Mazovian Conservator of Monuments, with hopes it remains on display in Modlin Fortress Museum.

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