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    Ruling Party Maintains Strong Lead in Latest Election Poll

    In the latest poll conducted by IBRiS for the Onet website on September 13, 2023, the ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party continues to dominate the political landscape in Poland. The survey reveals that the PiS, led by Jaroslaw Kaczynski, holds the top position with 33.3 percent of the vote. This represents a slight increase of 0.2 percentage points from the end of August figures.

    The PiS’s consistent lead in the polls reaffirms its strong foothold in Polish politics. With a voter support of 33.3 percent, the party remains the preferred choice for a significant portion of the electorate. Jaroslaw Kaczynski’s leadership appears to resonate with many voters, contributing to the party’s continued success.

    The Civic Coalition (KO) secures the second position with 26.4 percent of the vote, although it has experienced a minor decline of 0.3 percentage points since the end of August. While it lags behind the PiS, the KO remains a formidable challenger in Polish politics.

    Third place in the IBRiS poll is occupied by the New Left coalition, which has seen a notable increase in support. With 11.1 percent backing, this coalition has gained 1.5 percentage points compared to the August 31 survey. 

    The Third Way, a coalition consisting of Poland 2050 and the Polish People’s Party (PSL), follows closely with 10.2 percent of the vote, marking a slight increase of 0.1 percentage point since the end of August. 

    In contrast, the Confederation, which previously held the third position, has seen a significant decline in support. Currently standing at 10.1 percent of the vote, the Confederation has experienced a decrease of 1.3 percentage points compared to the end of August. 

    The survey anticipates a voter turnout of 58.8 percent. This figure is crucial in assessing the overall engagement of the electorate in the upcoming election.

    The survey conducted by IBRiS on September 13, 2023, involved a nationwide sample of 1,000 people. The CATI (Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview) method was employed to gather responses, ensuring a standardized and systematic approach to data collection.


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