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Spouses of Imprisoned MPs Appeal to Justice Minister for Urgent Presidential Intervention Amid Hunger Strike Crisis

Barbara Kaminska and Roma Wąsik, spouses of incarcerated Members of Parliament Mariusz Kaminski and Maciej Wąsik, have penned a letter to Justice Minister Adam Bodnar, pleading for an immediate transfer of the case files to President Andrzej Duda. The wives express concerns over the deteriorating health of their husbands, currently on a hunger strike, and stress the urgency of a swift resolution.

Citing media reports, it is anticipated that Minister Bodnar will forward the case files, along with his recommendations, to President Duda in the coming week. The wives emphasize in their letter that Bodnar is not legally obligated to issue an opinion on the matter and implore him to expedite the process, allowing the President to make a final decision.

The letter accuses Bodnar of perceived obstructionism and alleges politically motivated actions, expressing disappointment in the lack of visible outcomes from his actions. The wives raise serious concerns about the well-being of their husbands, asserting that the current situation, compounded by the hunger strike, poses a threat to their lives.

In a poignant plea, the wives write, “With every day of their hunger strike, their condition is worsening. Seeing your approach to this matter, we have increasingly serious doubts that our husbands will live to see freedom.” This statement comes in the wake of President Duda’s announcement of the court’s decision to enforce the feeding of Mr. Kaminski, detained at the Radom Detention Centre, underscoring the escalating gravity of the situation. 


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