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Statement of the National Public Prosecutor’s Office on media publications concerning possession of a gun for personal protection purposes by the Prosecutor General

In connection with questions from the editorial staffs concerning the possession of firearms by Prosecutor General Zbigniew Ziobro for personal protection purposes, the National Public Prosecutor’s Office informs:  

A case of incitement to murder of the Minister of Justice Prosecutor General Zbigniew Ziobro is pending in court. The accused of inciting (ordering) the murder is Jan S., called by the media the king of legal highs. The investigation findings meet all the factual prerequisites required by law for Minister Zbigniew Ziobro to possess weapons for personal protection.

In the course of the proceedings conducted against the accused Jan S., the courts repeatedly pointed to the high probability of the acts alleged against him. They also systematically extended the defendant’s pre-trial detention, in which he remains to this day.

Jan S. has heard 14 charges of inciting the murder of the Prosecutor General, another prosecutor and the police officers who were working out the criminal group he was leading which was dealing in legal highs. He is also charged with inciting harassment of officers and attempting to pay bribes. According to the findings of the investigation, he also abetted the creation of fictitious photographs and films intended to discredit the prosecutor. The arrest of Jan S. took place on 3 January 2020. The accused was wanted on two letters of the indictment, two European arrest warrants and an Interpol red note. 

The prosecutor of the Lower Silesian Branch of the Department for Organised Crime and Corruption of the National Public Prosecutor’s Office in Wrocław, who is leading the investigation, established that Jan S. offered PLN 100,000 (EUR 21,000) for the murder of the Minister of Justice of the Prosecutor General. In this way, he wanted to bring about the abandonment of work on tightening penalties for the production and trafficking of legal highs. He accused the Minister of Justice, Prosecutor General of having “spoiled his business”.

Thanks to the final amendments to the Act on Counteracting Drug Addiction, the situation of perpetrators of ‘legal highs’ has radically deteriorated, and the national prosecutor’s office, led by Zbigniew Ziobro, has effectively begun to combat this criminal practice.

The acts alleged against Jan S. are punishable by life imprisonment. In addition, Jan S. is the subject of other court proceedings, in which he is accused, among other things, of leading an organised criminal group dealing in the trafficking and smuggling of legal highs and drugs, money laundering, as well as exposing more than 16,000 people to the risk of loss of life through the marketing of particularly toxic legal highs. The substances, named BUC-3 and BUC-8, containing, among other things, fentanyl, led to the deaths of several people, including minors. 

The criminal group led by Jan S. generated huge profits from the trade in legal highs. For example – just one shop run by the group generated revenue of almost PLN 17 million (EUR 360,000) over 14 months.

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