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The new TV program about ‘Lasowiacy’, the inhabitants of Sandomierz Forest 

Shooting for the TV program about ‘Lasowiacy’, i.e. the inhabitants of the Sandomierz Forest, has been completed.

The half-hour story entitled ‘Forest is our father’ (Polish: “Las uociec nas”) is produced by TVP Rzeszów in cooperation with the State Forests.

“We show what Lasowiacy did and what their homesteads looked like. The best preserved ones are in the Museum of Folk Culture in Kolbuszowa now. But we also visit other places in the Sandomierz Forest and talk about forest professions forgotten today. We also visit the descendants of the Lasowiaks who live here to this day and cultivate the traditions of their ancestors. On shooting days, the cooperation with the State Forests was very valuable to us.”

said Jacek Szarek, producer of the program on behalf of TVP Rzeszów.

Lasowiacy is an ethnographic group that has lived since the Middle Ages in the area at the confluence of the Vistula and San rivers on the Nile, a small river flowing through the Kolbuszów Plateau and flowing into the Łęg in the Museum of Folk Culture in Kolbuszowa. The open-air museum exhibition presents the folk culture of the Lasowiacy, who, like no other group in Poland, have always been strongly associated with the forest, and even took its name from the forest.

Reenactors, employees of the Kolbuszowa Forest Inspectorate, the Forest Service Department and students of the Jan Szczepanik Secondary School Complex No. 1 in Krosno took part in the photos for the TV program. On the last day of shooting, employees of the Museum of Folk Culture in Kolbuszowa talked about Lasowiacy, and members of the Folklore Group of Seniors “Kolbuszowska land”, who operate for 10 years at the Municipal House of Culture and participated in the staging of individual motifs of the program.

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