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The Turów Mine: Minister Przydacz about NSA’s decision

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

“This is a good decision, resulting from appropriate appeal actions by the institutions of the Polish state,” evaluated Minister Marcin Przydacz, Head of the International Policy Bureau of the President of Poland, referring to the decision of the Supreme Administrative Court (NSA) in the Turów Mine case. According to him, Poland’s security has been strengthened.

The Head of the International Policy Bureau, Marcin Przydacz, referred in “Gość Wiadomości” on TVP to the NSA’s decision on the complaint of Polska Grupa Energetyczna against the decision of the Regional Administrative Court of 31 May 2023, which suspended the implementation of the environmental decision for the Turów mine. 

“This is, of course, a very good decision by the NSA, also resulting from appropriate appeal actions by institutions of the Polish state. The Polish government, with the support of the President as well, made it clear that we will not let this matter go, that we have to fight to the end under the existing legal procedures,”

Przydacz said.

“I am glad that the NSA shared the argumentation presented de facto by the Polish government. Of course, energy security is a constitutional value that the courts must and should take into account when considering the case, taking into account precisely these security issues. Having such strict policies cannot be just a one-size-fits-all approach that is, if a given provision says so, we must abide by it. These decisions must be viewed in the context of their overall context.”

he added.

The Minister believes that the revoked decision of the Regional Administrative Court did not take into account the final consequences of such a decision.

“Today the security of the Polish state has certainly been strengthened and we will do everything to maintain this security, because Poles need good, cheap and stable energy in order to be able to develop, and this is also needed by Polish entrepreneurs,”

he said.

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