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    Tusk and coalition partners refuse to explain the takeover of media. Law and Justice politicians left the plenary hall

    Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

    “I propose to adjourn the proceedings and supplement the agenda with information from Colonel Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz of the State Protection Office, who was delegated by Donald Tusk to conduct a special operation in public media,” said the Law and Justice party leader Mariusz Błaszczak in the Sejm. However, his proposal was not accepted due to the parliamentary majority. As a result, the Law and Justice politicians left the plenary hall.

    Błaszczak requested “to adjourn the proceedings and supplement the agenda with information from Colonel Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz of the State Protection Office, who was delegated by Donald Tusk to conduct a special operation in public media.”

    He added, “The honorable chamber deserves an answer to why Poles could not watch Teleexpress, Panorama, and Wiadomości, and secondly, who is the officer who appeared on TVP1 yesterday at 7:30 pm.”

    “Does the forceful takeover of public institutions fit into the standards of the cheerful, smiling Poland that Donald Tusk talked so much about, and why does Donald need two TVN channels?”, said Błaszczak. He also asked about the connection between the takeover of public media and the fact that the European Union adopted an agreement on mandatory relocation of migrants yesterday and how many of them Poland intends to accept.

    Then the Law and Justice deputies – Mariusz Błaszczak, Robert Telus, and Antoni Macierewicz – wanted to propose a break in the proceedings.

    “There was a motion by Mr. Wawr for a break, this motion was consumed – in my opinion – by the motion to adjourn the session, but since there is a strong expectation of a break from one side of the hall, I will put this motion to a vote”, said the Marshal of the Sejm Szymon Hołownia.

    In the vote, the motion for a break was rejected.

    There was an exchange of words between the Law and Justice deputies and the Marshal of the Sejm, then all politicians from the Law and Justice party left the plenary hall of the Chamber.

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