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TV Republika: Surging Ahead as Viewers Embrace ‘Polish Fox News’ Over TVP

The meteoric rise and expanding viewership of TV Republika are garnering attention from prestigious global media outlets. In a recent expose, the ascent of this conservative broadcaster was highlighted by the “Financial Times” – a bastion of distinguished journalism acclaimed for its exhaustive coverage of economic and financial matters.

“The purge of public television orchestrated by Donald Tusk sparks the emergence of Polish Fox News,” declares the “Financial Times.” The publication underscores that “viewers are abandoning the state-controlled TVP in favour of the conservative TV Republika.”

As emphasized by “FT,” Tusk’s strategic deployment of the much-touted “iron broom” to cleanse the state media apparatus has significantly boosted the ratings of conservative news platforms. “TV Republika, mirroring the ethos of Fox News, the American juggernaut backing former President Donald Trump, has eclipsed TVP in daily viewership share,” highlights “FT.”

TV Republika’s Editor Michał Rachoń Channels Roger Ailes

During a recent tour of TV Republika’s studios by “Financial Times” correspondents, Editor Michał Rachoń openly cited Roger Ailes, the former architect of Fox News, as his guiding beacon.

“We knew the moment would come when Poland could develop something like that,” articulated Rachoń. “If you have a situation in which a big part of the electorate no longer has media representation, it creates possibilities for those who understand the business of media,” opined the program director of TV Republika.

Roger Ailes, alluded to by Rachoń, steered Fox News for two decades, moulding it into the foremost advocate of conservative values. Under his leadership, Fox News surged to prominence within the American news sphere.

Tomasz Sakiewicz Slams Tusk’s TVP Overhaul: A Catastrophic Assault on Media Integrity

Tomasz Sakiewicz, TV Republika’s main stakeholder, likened Tusk’s overhaul of TVP to “a robber detonating a bank,” plunging the sector into disarray. “The cornerstone of democracy is that the media should remain inviolable,” he told the FT. “I am appalled that such a travesty has been allowed to unfold across Europe.”

Entrepreneur Sławomir Zieliński divulged that he turned to TV Republika after concluding that Tusk’s revamped TVP exhibited less vitriol, yet was still “blatantly distorting” politics – this time to favour Tusk. “I now discern the same narrative on TVP as on TVN24,” he lamented.

Regardless of who controls TVP, remarked Tadeusz Kowalski, a professor of media studies at the University of Warsaw, “public media has lost credibility in the eyes of many Poles.”

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