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    Icebreakers broke through the ice jam on the Vistula

    Icebreakers of Polish Waters State Holding (Wody Polskie) managed to break through the ice jam on the Vistula between Dobrzyków and Kępa Polska. Icebreakers continue to work to break ice floes flowing down the stream. The level of the river in Wyszogród fell below the warning level, and in Kępa Polska – below the emergency level.

    On Saturday afternoon, the level of the Vistula River in Wyszogród fell to 496 cm, that is 4 cm below the warning level, by the alarm condition of 550 cm. In turn, in Kępa Polska, the level of the river on Saturday afternoon was already 499 cm, that is 1 cm below the emergency level, exceeding the warning level by 49 cm.

    Previously, Polish Waters informed that on Saturday morning 7 icebreakers set off for action in the middle course of the Vistula, 4 of which sailed upstream above Płock to break through the jam in the area of ​​Dobrzyków, heading towards Kępa Polska.

    As it was emphasized in the information, on board of the icebreakers flowing on the forehead there are employees of Polish Waters “who know the river best, because the conditions on this section of the Vistula are very difficult”. “The rest of the units operate at the Włocławek barrage, ensuring a constant flow of ice floes,” reported the Polish Waters.


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