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“We defend the EU border. We have full support”

We have full support, together with Lithuania and Latvia, in the field of defense against a hybrid war, against the migratory assault led by the Lukashenka regime, said Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki at the EU summit in Slovenia. It is clearly visible here that a state of emergency was needed, that our protective measures are needed, he emphasized.

Morawiecki said that during the talks, growing fears of digital threats, cyber-terrorism, and attacks by cybercriminals were noticed. He emphasized that it is clear to all EU members today those countries are very often behind hacker attacks, and these are our eastern neighbours.

The Prime Minister – in the context of eastern neighbours – emphasized that “we have full support in defending against this hybrid war, against this migratory assault, which is being artificially generated by Lukashenka’s regime.”

“It is very clear here that a state of emergency was needed, that our protective measures are needed, that all these attempts to attract migrants from Iraq, Libya, Morocco, Egypt, and several other countries are a mechanism that is supposed to lead to chaos in EU, to the migration crisis in the EU. That is why we have, undisputed support here – both Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia, because our three countries border with Belarus,” said Morawiecki.

He emphasized that the eastern border of the EU was also the eastern border of Poland.

“By defending this border against unauthorized entry into our territory, we are also defending the EU,” said the head of government.


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