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Academic Freedom Pack with the President's signature

The task of strengthening the existing legal regulations ensuring respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms of the members of the university community is to amend the Act – Law on Higher Education and Science, defined as the academic freedom pack, which was signed by President Andrzej Duda on Tuesday.

It is about the amendment to the Act – Law on Higher Education and Science (…), the signing of which was announced by the Chancellery of the President on Wednesday.


As explained in the press release of the Chancellery of the President, the amendment aims to strengthen the existing legal regulations ensuring respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms of university community members – freedom of teaching, freedom of speech, research, publication of their results and academic debate.


“The list of the rector’s tasks has been supplemented with ensuring that the university respects the freedom of speech, teaching and research, as well as the publication of their results, and academic debate organized by members of the university community in compliance with the principles of world-view pluralism and university order regulations,” it was indicated.


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