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    Estonia and the UK troops joined Poles in patrolling the border with Belarus. Migrants desperate! [VIDEO]

    International forces are now patrolling the Polish Belarussian border. Thousands of Polish soldiers are joined by about 300 British and Estonian troops. The British will help to set up a permanent barrier preventing migrants from entering the European Union while Estonians are helping to mend the existing fence. Belarussian officers are still cutting the razorwire to let migrants through into Poland. Last night at least 35 such attempts were detected and prevented.

    Poland and the EU accuse Belarussian strongman Aleksander Lukashenko of encouraging the migrants to travel to Belarus and cross the border illegally as revenge for sanctions imposed on Minsk over human rights abuses. At least 2000 migrants have returned to Irbil, with flights provided by the Iraqi national airline. Belarus reportedly gave migrants three days to force their way through the border or they would be deported to their home countries.

    Estonia has sent 150 troops to the Polish Belarussian border and the soldiers will help to mend the fence destroyed by migrants and Belarussian servicemen. Belarusian services constantly provoke Polish officers and soldiers.


    At the eastern border of the country, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki met local governors to discuss support for the local community and businesses and the reconstruction of roads that have been damaged due to the traffic in heavy equipment. 


    Meanwhile, around ninety thousand Russian servicemen, along with artillery and armoured forces, are near the Ukrainian borders after a series of military exercises involving airborne forces. According to US intelligence, Russian President Vladimir Putin may launch an attack on Ukraine early next year. Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksiy Reznikov, in an interview with the Armiya Inform portal, said that despite everything, Ukrainian society should not give in to panic because the Kremlin could take advantage of it.


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