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    Enterprise Europe Network helps Polish companies to conquer foreign markets

    The Enterprise Europe Network aims to support small and medium-sized enterprises in conquering foreign markets. One of the webinars in the Idea of Your Business Development series was devoted to what kind of services the Network provides in this area and how to take advantage of them. The event was organized by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) in cooperation with the Ministry of Development and Technology.

    Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is a network of business environment organizations, created on the initiative of the European Commission and with the support of this institution – in Poland co-financed by the Ministry of Development and Technology. The network has existed since 2008 and has over 600 centres in Europe (including Poland) and around the world.


    “We operate throughout Poland through 30 centres grouped into consortia. Addresses of the centres can be found on the website and the PARP website,” said during his speech Michał Polański, Director of the Entrepreneurship Support Department in the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development.


    The Enterprise Europe Network also organises many surveys on behalf of the European Commission on business opinion. Opinions are collected, compiled and forwarded to the Commission. They are later used in the legislative process.

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