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Russia is preparing battalions for jamming and reconnaissance. They are to respond to the equipment of Poland

According to “Izvestiya,” radio-electronic warfare battalions equipped with systems for jamming satellite and mobile communications signals, as well as the work of navigation systems, including GPS, will be created in Russia’s Western Military District. Military expert Andrei Frolov, quoted in the newspaper, said it was meant as a response to the “dangerous missiles the Poles bought from the US.”

“Some of the most dangerous means (of weaponry) in the region can be considered JASSM missiles, which the Poles bought from the US. Their range exceeds 300 km and they can reach both the Kaliningrad region and Belarus. If one assumes that the real range is further from the claimed range then this is a serious threat,” the military expert Andrei Frolov told “Izvestiya”.


He also listed the ATACMS missiles and elements of the U.S. Missile Defence System contracted by Poland.


“All of these threats require effective radio-electronic defences capable of disrupting their control systems,” said the expert.


According to information provided by “Izvestiya”, radio-electronic combat battalions are being formed in two regions bordering Ukraine: the Belgorod and Voronezh regions.


The battalions will be equipped with RR-330 Zytiel sets, Lejer-3 and Borisoglebsk-2 systems. All of these systems are used to jam satellite and cellular communications signals, as well as the operation of navigation systems, including GPS.


According to expert Alexei Leonkov, the tasks of these systems also include reconnaissance and providing aviation and artillery with the coordinates of potential targets.

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