Katowice police are looking for 34-year-old Sylwester Suszek. The man was last seen on March 10th. Suszek is the founder of the largest cryptocurrency exchange BitBay in Poland.
According to police, Sylwester Suszek left his home for a business meeting in Czeladź on March 10. After that, he drove away at 3 pm in an unknown direction. Since then, he had no contact with his family.
On that day Sylwester disappeared, he was wearing black sports shoes with orange elements, an olive-black jacket with yellow stripes, blue jeans and a black sweatshirt. He was carrying a small pouch that was hung over his shoulder.
All persons who can help in the search for the missing person, please contact the police officers of the Katowice Police Headquarters.
Katowiccy policjanci poszukują zaginionego 34-letniego Sylwestra Suszka. Mężczyzna zaginął 10 marca, gdy to po zakończonym spotkaniu biznesowym w Czeladzi odjechał w nieznanym kierunku. Od tamtej chwili nie nawiązał kontaktu z rodziną. ▶️https://t.co/LHNODRfiv2 pic.twitter.com/jh0UwQQjr7
— Policja Śląska ?? (@PolicjaSlaska) March 14, 2022