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    National Pilgrimage to Rome for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Karol Wojtyła

    On May 17, 2020, the National Pilgrimage to Rome will take place for the main celebration of 100th birthday anniversary of Saint John Paul II. Pope Francis will preside Solemn Mass in the Vatican – said Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki, chairman of the Episcopal Conference of Poland.

    Archbishop Gądecki explained why the birthday will be celebrated on May 17, so the day before the actual date of birth of Saint John Paul II. – I asked the Holy Father Francis to celebrate the Holy Mass on May 17, because it is Sunday and more people will be able to take part in the celebration – explained Archbishop Gądecki. The chairman of the episcopate invites to join the pilgrimage. – I encourage dioceses, parish communities and various communities to organize pilgrimages for the centenary of the birth of Saint John Paul II to Rome. Let’s meet on May 17 at 10.30 in Vatican for a Solemn Mass under the presiding of the Holy Father Francis – archbishop Gądecki appealed.




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